In order to meet the needs of the relevant users in the development of the market, and respond positivelythe overall planning requirements of the government to get the development by entering the professional parks, as well as achieve the goal of "clean production, safe production and efficient production", and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and the right in the industry, our company invested CNY 250 million to build Zhejiang Zhongxian Biotechnology Co., Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2017, with the production of natural vitamin E, phytosterols, fatty acid methyl ester and other products as main activity.
Add: Weiwu Road, Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone, China
Contact: Jin Xinbo +86-13906856347
Tel: +86-575-89298668 Fax: +86-575-89298665
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